Saturday, July 23, 2011

Save your life!

As we all should know that tomorrow is not promised. If you were to ask yourself if you were pleased with your life, what would the answer be? This problem could be solved today by simply accepting Jesus Christ in your life. There is nothing to be ashamed about or anything you need to hide. It is a wonderful uplifting feeling of relief to have someone that has your back no matter what. If you make a mistake, the only person that is going to forgive you and forget is him. When you find things not going right in your life and you have no where to turn, he is there. As a teenager, the only thing I worried about was that I could not have fun being a christian. As soon as I got a taste of sin, it was fun, it looked good, I was felt cool at the moment, then it all went what? At this point you are left with heartache, pain, guilt, embarrassment, and the feeling just do not go away, until you accept that you were wrong. Confess what you have done and move on with your life. It is not worth dwelling on things because you thought it was right at the moment. Just think I am taking time to type this letter and warn you about what you can and should do. I do not get paid to advertise what I know, I am just hoping that you will do the right thing and find out what I know. I love each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart to help you gain a relationship with your heavenly father. Please contact me at when are ready for a life change!!

Love you!
Regina Stevens Registered & Protected

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ever Present!

Every day in America 4,184 babies are born to unmarried mothers (State of America's Children 2008 Report). Of that number over 1,000 of them are born to teenage moms. Today, over 40 percent of our children grow up in a home without a father.
My heart goes out to children who grow up without fathers in the home. I'm the quintessential "Daddy's Girl." I can't think of a time when my father wasn't physically, mentally, emotionally and financially present in my life. From Thanksgiving Day parades to teaching me to ride a bike and drive. In moments of despair and moments of celebration. He has always been there. Just like another father I know.
Thankfully, we all have a Father in God on whom we can depend. One who promises to never leave or forsake us. One who knows everything about us and yet, still loves us the same.
It's somewhat easy for me to believe that Father God is concerned about me - that He has plans for my life. I've had a biological father who is a great example of that. I can believe that God loves me because I believe that my father loves me. I believe that Father God accepts me as I am because my Dad continues to do that in my adulthood.
Whether we realize it or not, we often transfer our beliefs, disappointments, and thoughts about our biological fathers onto our Heavenly Father. It's hard to believe that Father God is for me when I didn't feel that my father was for me. It's hard to see God as trustworthy when I wasn't able to trust in my earthly father. If my concept of fathers has been damaged or unstable, my relationship with God will reflect some of that uncertainty.
Fathers have to be ever-present. Children never outgrow the love, affection, and discipline that fathers provide. Regardless of our age, we find peace in knowing that our fathers are still present. Long after we've moved out on our own. Long after we've obtained a job and can afford to take care of ourselves. We still need you. We always have and we always will.
Let us first question what it is we feel in our hearts toward our fathers. Then, let's not be afraid to admit what we find there. And if we find some damage and broken areas, let's take the steps that are necessary to heal. Then, let us ask that same question in regards to our Father God.
What we find there may surprise us, but there is nothing too hard for God.
Scripture Of The Day: “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” - Revelation 1:8 (ESV)

By Aqualyn Toi Jones Registered & Protected

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Trust Yourself

Every situation we face in life requires some degree of trust. Whether it's trusting someone, something or even yourself, there's always somewhere in the midst.

When we face decisions in our lives, we often wonder which road we should travel. There's usually an easy way and a hard way; then sometimes there's something in between. Most of the time, we operate on a trial and error basis. However, there are times when the choices we must make may have a great positive or negative impact in our lives. These are the times that we must trust our natural instincts. Usually, if something doesn't feel right, it usually isn't. There may be some instances when fear will take over and stop you from doing something in particular when it's exactly what you were supposed to do. That fear produces a completely different feeling. We have to learn to be so in tune with ourselves that we can tell the difference between the two automatically.

We have to trust ourselves enough to make the right situational choices in our lives. I'm not saying that we shouldn't or will never fail at anything because failure is ultimately a major component of success. If you've never failed at anything, then you've never experienced true success.

Never be afraid to fail. That's another part of that trust. You have to trust that if and when you do fail that you will learn and grow from it, not allowing it to deter you from trying again because I can promise you that on one of your attempts, you will succeed.

If you're a singer, you have to trust that you will carry your notes well. If you're a writer, you have to trust that your reader(s) will read and be able to relate to your stories. If you're facing peer pressure, you have to trust that you won't give in to it If it's something you know you shouldn't be doing.

There are so many situations that can lead you to somewhere, someone and /or something great. But, there are also situations that can be harmful and/or fatal to you. Always trust that God will lead you to the right situation and that your gut feeling is usually the one to listen to. Take care, be blessed and be a blessing.

-Don Savant Registered & Protected

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Glass Room

Feeling trapped and helpless in this glass room called life is scary! All you can do is sit back and witness all of the hate, lies, heartache, deceit, impostors, pain, lack of emotion, and loneliness. So much is going through your head, that you fight to forget. You just want to close your eyes and hope that it is all over, but instead you open them and realize that everything is still there. You think maybe you should go run tell someone or seek help, second guessing yourself to the point of frustration to realize no one is there. Instead of this glass room shattering due to all of the problems and issues that has been encountered, the room starts getting bigger. Now you have even more room to fill this endless emotion that you are experiencing. You repeat to yourself over and over "if you can't beat them, join them." Now their actions has turned into your lifestyle. Surrounded by people with like interest in the same glass room, you become weary. You begin to breakdown and realize that you hate yourself for the time you have wasted in this room. Fighting to get rid of the people that has brought you down, you finally clear the room. Although the people are removed from your life, that same feeling is all that you know. All of a sudden you look to your right to discover a door. You proceed to open it but is sceptical of what is behind it. It opens! On the other side lies your freedom and peace.

Sometimes you have to open your eyes, mind, and spirit to what lies beneath all of the heartache. You are not alone. If your parents are not great supporters of your feelings, find someone who is. Do not take life as is because we have too much to look forward to that is awesome!!

-Regina Stevens Registered & Protected

Friday, July 1, 2011

When The Son Shines

and depressed...
a pebble in the ocean
lost in the abyss of the world

self esteem
blowing in the wind and
slipping in and out...
nowhere to be found

dreams so foul that
nightmares shy away and
goals so low that
a single positive whisper
could not find a way in...
sealed...without a shred of hope

vehemently laughed
spitting lies in my face
when it was
to lift me

my rope was ready
preferred poison picked
to declare that
enough is enough

until I felt the presence of
something else
something that
seemed different that
seemed to be pushing me...
placing me on
a path that I hadn't traveled before
alternate route
giving me
a clear path
through my
clouded judgment
new way
out of what seemed like
no way at all

that day
the Son shined on me and
it was
at the exact moment
when I used
my last ounce of strength
last shred of faith
to call on Him
and He
released me
from the bondage of my own mind
so that
I could live the life that
His Father
intended for me

By: Don Savant Registered & Protected