Thursday, December 1, 2011


Surround yourselves with like-minded people. When I say that, I don't mean the ignorant ones. Ignorance takes no talent, it takes no thought, it is mindless in every way possible. Keep people around you that challenge your intelligence, that make you think better, act better and do better. People that have ideas that are similar to yours.

If you are trying to accomplish something and you look around only to see others doing the same exact thing, you cannot assume that you will be more successful at it than they are simply because of who you are. You must learn them, learn their resources, their clientele and try to build yourself based on adding a new or different element to what you're doing so that people will choose you over them. You always have to stay relevant in any field that you're trying to make a name for yourself in. It's all a part of your branding process. Your name should be synonymous with what you do.

Always stay competitive, even if you're the only one in your market. Stay focused, stay positive and never let anyone tell you what you can't do.

Let's go!!!

~DonSavant Registered & Protected

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


What God has for me is for me, and there is no one or nothing on this Earth that can keep me from it but me. Now, I've personalized this because it that's what it is, personal. The things that happen between you and God are just that. He brings you through things to give you a testimony. You may then use that testimony to inspire others that may be going through something similar. Your testimony also gives you an appreciation for the things that you've been through that are now a part of your past.

To me that's the ultimate motivation. It's always been said that trouble doesn't last forever. In order to see for yourself that this is true, you have got to give whatever it is you're going through to God so that He can work it out for you. Trying to face your troubles on your own does nothing but prolong them. Always remember that as you're on your journey through your life, on your personal walk with Him. He will always lead you the right way. Trust that if you trust nothing else.

Much Love,

Don Savant Registered & Protected

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Frustrations: Letting Go

I believe with all my heart in Luke 6:31 - Do to others as you would have them do to you. I find it difficult to uphold this within my current situation because I'm having to deal with someone who is blatantly disrespectful on every level, is extremely contradictory and is demeaning to everyone that he encounters. In the case of this particular situation, I try to live by Matthew 5:39 - But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Anger and revenge are two of the easiest ways to deal with undesirable situations but...I've learned that life is not about what is easy. Anything worth having is most definitely worth working for. I believe this with all my heart. It is because of this that I try to remain positive through everything that comes my way. It is the only way to truly grow and prosper.

I'm not saying that everything you do will be difficult or is designed to be that way but, usually if things do start to become that way, it's one of life's many endurance exercises designed to teach you how to overcome and continue to move forward.

Stay prayed up, call on God during your good and bad times, and always let Him deal with your struggles. Do these things and all will be well. I love y'all. Be blessed and prosperous.

-Don Savant

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


In the Mist of pain, it is absolutely important not to forget your creator. Many people do not realize that God has our life mapped out from the day we were born, rather you believe it or not. We go through things for a reason, we just have to figure out the reason why ourselves. If God himself cast down blessing after blessing, and we never see any struggle, or pain, then we would not grow to appreciate anything. Currently I am going through a struggle myself, but I wake up every morning rejoicing and glad that I am here another day. So many people wake up not knowing that it is there last. The worst feeling in the world is losing someone without saying goodbye. Every chance you get a simple smile can change the lives of millions. Think about it, if you impact one person, that person will impact someone else and so forth. Seriously, it is time to wake up and appreciate the things you have and the people that are in your life. Tomorrow is not promised, so live today like there is no tomorrow, because one day it will hold true. The one mistake you can make, is hindering yourself from your blessings because of what someone else did. This is why we losing so many people in our churches because sister or brother so and so did this and that. SOO WHAT!! Did you do it with them? Trust can be a huge issue in peoples lives because their looking for acceptance, and once they are let down, them shame on the world right? NOO! It do not work like that! Stay true to yourself and know that people on going to do whatever! You are not held accountable for their actions, only your own. Seek God yourself, it is ultimately up to you and him. Yes it is heart breaking seeing pastors let you down, but the word of God is still spoken, so take it in and be glad your living correct. In due time those who deceives the Lord will reap what they sow. It may not happen when you want it to, but it will happen in due time. I love you enough to send this message of warning. If you do not get your act together you will fall short of the glory! In the mist of pain, CELEBRATE knowing there is a God that will see you through!

~Regina Stevens

REMEMBERREMEMBER Registered & Protected

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bully (A Poem Written by Don Savant)


When you're growing up
You experience life...
And you learn that
Everyone that calls you friend
Really isn't and
Everyone that swears you're an enemy
Never gave themselves a chance to know you

There's always been that
Metaphorical beast in your life from
Your first days on the playground
Until you've grown and gone corporate

Kids are
Pushed down in the sand box and
Kicked at the playground

Teenagers are
Pressured into sex and
Drugs and
Different types of sex and
More types of drugs

Adults are
Ridiculed and
Talked down upon and
Treated as inferior
By those who are a few rungs higher
On that corporate ladder but

No matter
Who you are or
What your age may be
A Bully
Is a Bully and
Speaking directly for self I
Plan to stand on my own from this day forth
and claim my independence
From the world...
The biggest bully of all

Stand up and be who you are regardless of who talks about you or what someone may try to do to or against you. Stay strong in your faith and continue your forward progression no matter what.

-Don Savant Registered & Protected

Saturday, August 13, 2011

*EXCLUSIVE* A Mother of a Pregnant Teenager


My name if Dianne Keenan. I am the mother of three children. I have twin girl, their name is: Regina and Katina. Regina became pregnant at the age of 15. I was devastated, but I told her that she was still going to go to finish school. I was a single parent at the time, working swing shifts. Trying to keep food on the table and keep a place to stay. Regina had to go on home bound because it was almost time for her to have the baby. She had a teacher to come to the house, so she would not get behind in her grades. When it was time for her to have the baby, I felt like I went in labor too. I felt like my water broke, going back and forth to the bathroom. By Regina being young as she was, having a baby she was just like an older women. She did not scream or anything during labor. If anything she started laughing. I thought that was crazy even though I was about to cry. She is a great mother and I never had to buy pampers or clothes for the baby unless I wanted to. I heard the baby cry one night and I went to see what was wrong; she told me to go back to bed. She said this because little nick was her responsibility, so I went back to bed.  When she went to the twelfth grade she and her twin sister were pregnant at the same time. This was Regina’s second pregnancy. Oh my God it was rough. Again I was devastated. Working swing shift, twelve hours, four days on, and three days off was hard. Having to take them to the doctor at different times was insane. It was not easy when I started working third shift either. Regina had her baby first, so she had to go on homebound again! She then went back to school so she could graduate. Katina was still pregnant at the time of graduation. Even though I had other plans for my girls, they both are great mothers. I asked if they had to do it over again would they have children. They both told me yes! Regina has three boys and Katina has two boys and a girl. They all are a blessing. I love all of them. They both are working and going to college. They both own their own home. So even though they were young when they had their children they have it all figured out. God has gotten us all through some rough times.
By: Dianne Keenan

Hi! Regina here; although my sister and I agreed that we would still have our children if we did it all over again, does not mean it is okay to have children at a young age. I want to clarify the statement because many people would misinterpret it. Knowing that my boys made me who I am, I could never say that I would not have them because they are here, and it is too late to turn back. I would find it hard to shallow when I tell my kids I wish I would have waited. On the other hand I know if I did wait, I would have so much more to offer them. It is not easy being a teenager mother because everything changes. I would have prepared my life to be more stable, but I had to do what I had to do to make sure that they were taken care of. My priorities shifted and any selfish thought of myself was thrown out the window. Many mothers choose to continue to think only of themselves and have not figured out that they have a little one to take care of. No teen should have children, but I know my children were not mistakes. Now I am here to warn everyone else of their selfish acts and think of everyone that could be affected by your choices. My mother had to suffer because of my actions, and this was not fair for her. Think about your actions, only you have the control to make smarter and wiser decisions.
By: Regina Stevens Registered & Protected

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


God really works things out in our lives. His will is such an immaculate thing. A few weeks back, my sister informed me of a seminar that would be coming close to my hometown. In that seminar they had several people scheduled to speak and serve as motivators for those in attendance. It was a Get Motivated seminar. Bill Cosby was in that list of speakers. I have wanted to see him speak live for years and I thought my opportunity to do so had slipped away due to my mind slipping and forgetting about it.

That's when God stepped in and did His thing. Just as only He would have it, my cousin mentioned that she had tickets to this seminar and asked if I'd like to go. The only dilemma I had was that it's on a Wednesday. I let her know that I'd check my schedule and get back with her.

I told you God is good right?

I checked my schedule and was off on the day of the event. I VERY VERY RARELY have Wednesdays off. It was absolutely nothing but God. Nothing but God!!!

Not only did I get to hear and see Mr. Cosby speak, but I was also blessed to see and hear a host of other wonderful motivational speakers. Now I've had some people say to me that they are self motivated and don't need anyone to tell them how and why to be motivated. To that I say this. It's not so much that I needed or was seeking motivation. As I said before, one of My dreams was to see Cosby speak live...dream accomplished. It was also a mission of affirmation to make for certain that the motivational tools that I'd been using on my own matched the ones that they were willing to share as well as to possibly gain new tools to move forward with.

It was very well worth it. All of the speakers there were very insightful and brutally honest about how people are when it comes to getting things done in their lives.

You cannot sit around waiting for people to do things for you. You cannot allow people and situations to deter you from your dreams and goals. You have the power in you to get things done for yourself.

A lot of times we sit around and wait on God to provide us with things when we're quite capable of going out and getting them for ourselves because He has already given us the tools to do so. Often times it is He that is waiting on us to get things started so that He knows when to step in with the necessary assistance along that path. It's just like it has always been said, He helps those that help themselves. You have to be willing to step out on faith and start the work required to achieve and accomplish the things in life that you dream about.

Too often we stand in the way of our own future because we're not willing to trust Him or ourselves enough to do the work that's required of us to make things happen. As Mr. Cosby said, "Only YOU know what YOU WANT to be and only YOU know what YOU want to do so GET UP AND DO IT!!!" Don't blame God for things not going as you plan because if you're willing to believe in Him, He will help you plan as you go. The words that I heard today spoke volumes to me because I've started and stopped so many times. I've gotten disappointed at my progress but I now realize that no matter what I must keep going. I cannot take the risk of losing sight of my dreams.

I've been guilty of a lot of things that will stop your dreams in their tracks. One is procrastination which is the sworn enemy of progress. I have accomplished things, but after those accomplishments, I have a tendency of slacking off...I get into a comfort zone so to speak; but what I should do instead is celebrate that success while I forge ahead towards something else. Constant continuity is the key, and also an absolute love for what I do. Time is a God granted gift and as another speaker stated, "where you spend your time is where your heart is". That same speaker also said that "your words are the footsteps to your prophecy".

That is something I've known for quite some time. Our words are incredibly powerful. They can and very often do dictate the outcome of our lives. I've said so many times before that thoughts plus words equals life, or that life is the sum of your thoughts and the things you speak into existence. If you're always pessimistic (which some of us constantly confuse with being realistic), you will call into your life exactly what you think the outcome of any and every situation you speak poorly of will be. Speak of the things you CAN do, the things you WANT to and WILL do instead of the things that you cannot or won't do. You will receive exactly what you call into your life.

Anything you want to be, you can be. Anything you want to do, you can do, but you have to believe it can be done and have faith that it will be done. Most importantly, write it down, prioritize your thoughts and put a plan into action. I will meet you at the finish line. Ready, Set, Go!!!!

-Don Savant Registered & Protected

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Excuses Excuses

I'm blessed. There's no doubt about that. I'm so very grateful for what I have, for the things that I can do and for having the ability to share things with people that can possibly help them in their journey through life.

I often ask myself though, why am I not satisfied? Why do I feel so ungrateful at times? Sometimes I'm in a place where I feel as if I can do more and be more than what I am. I ask why I haven't accomplished more than I have. Again, I'm grateful, but my mind stays busy wondering how I can achieve more and I sometimes get stuck in a hamster wheel so to speak trying to figure things out.

Life has absolutely no limits whatsoever. We have been blessed with a power so great within us that we don't even realize. What we speak becomes our truth. I'm guilty of second-guessing myself, of doubting my talents which is a blatant slap in the face to my gifts. The one thing about gifts is that they can be taken away if they aren't used properly.

After all the thinking and the doubting and the wondering I now realize that it's me. It's not the people around me, it's not my family or friends, it's me. I am holding myself back from where i need to be.

All this time I've focused on the things I want to do, the things that I need to accomplish and have in my life but when it comes down to it, it's all about God. God has a very specific plan for our lives. He places us in situations and around people to teach us something. When we learn the things we are supposed to learn then He moves us. He moves us to our rightful spot in this world. If we listen and pay attention to the things that He is showing and telling us we will see that He offers us a road map to our lives.

I now know that procrastination is my enemy and that my trials are the tests that fuel my testimony. Everything I've learned must now be applied and once that application has taken place I will begin to move forward. God is always present in our lives and He moves us by faith so if you don't believe in yourself, it's as if you're saying that you have no faith in Him because He made you to be something specific, to do something specific on this earth.

It's time that I tuck away my inhibitions, release myself from the bondage of shyness and stop letting fear run my life. God is here with me...He always has been and now is the time for me to truly recognize and follow Him to the place that He needs me to be.

Father I'm listening now...I have no more excuses.

-Don Savant Registered & Protected

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Save your life!

As we all should know that tomorrow is not promised. If you were to ask yourself if you were pleased with your life, what would the answer be? This problem could be solved today by simply accepting Jesus Christ in your life. There is nothing to be ashamed about or anything you need to hide. It is a wonderful uplifting feeling of relief to have someone that has your back no matter what. If you make a mistake, the only person that is going to forgive you and forget is him. When you find things not going right in your life and you have no where to turn, he is there. As a teenager, the only thing I worried about was that I could not have fun being a christian. As soon as I got a taste of sin, it was fun, it looked good, I was felt cool at the moment, then it all went what? At this point you are left with heartache, pain, guilt, embarrassment, and the feeling just do not go away, until you accept that you were wrong. Confess what you have done and move on with your life. It is not worth dwelling on things because you thought it was right at the moment. Just think I am taking time to type this letter and warn you about what you can and should do. I do not get paid to advertise what I know, I am just hoping that you will do the right thing and find out what I know. I love each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart to help you gain a relationship with your heavenly father. Please contact me at when are ready for a life change!!

Love you!
Regina Stevens Registered & Protected

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ever Present!

Every day in America 4,184 babies are born to unmarried mothers (State of America's Children 2008 Report). Of that number over 1,000 of them are born to teenage moms. Today, over 40 percent of our children grow up in a home without a father.
My heart goes out to children who grow up without fathers in the home. I'm the quintessential "Daddy's Girl." I can't think of a time when my father wasn't physically, mentally, emotionally and financially present in my life. From Thanksgiving Day parades to teaching me to ride a bike and drive. In moments of despair and moments of celebration. He has always been there. Just like another father I know.
Thankfully, we all have a Father in God on whom we can depend. One who promises to never leave or forsake us. One who knows everything about us and yet, still loves us the same.
It's somewhat easy for me to believe that Father God is concerned about me - that He has plans for my life. I've had a biological father who is a great example of that. I can believe that God loves me because I believe that my father loves me. I believe that Father God accepts me as I am because my Dad continues to do that in my adulthood.
Whether we realize it or not, we often transfer our beliefs, disappointments, and thoughts about our biological fathers onto our Heavenly Father. It's hard to believe that Father God is for me when I didn't feel that my father was for me. It's hard to see God as trustworthy when I wasn't able to trust in my earthly father. If my concept of fathers has been damaged or unstable, my relationship with God will reflect some of that uncertainty.
Fathers have to be ever-present. Children never outgrow the love, affection, and discipline that fathers provide. Regardless of our age, we find peace in knowing that our fathers are still present. Long after we've moved out on our own. Long after we've obtained a job and can afford to take care of ourselves. We still need you. We always have and we always will.
Let us first question what it is we feel in our hearts toward our fathers. Then, let's not be afraid to admit what we find there. And if we find some damage and broken areas, let's take the steps that are necessary to heal. Then, let us ask that same question in regards to our Father God.
What we find there may surprise us, but there is nothing too hard for God.
Scripture Of The Day: “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” - Revelation 1:8 (ESV)

By Aqualyn Toi Jones Registered & Protected

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Trust Yourself

Every situation we face in life requires some degree of trust. Whether it's trusting someone, something or even yourself, there's always somewhere in the midst.

When we face decisions in our lives, we often wonder which road we should travel. There's usually an easy way and a hard way; then sometimes there's something in between. Most of the time, we operate on a trial and error basis. However, there are times when the choices we must make may have a great positive or negative impact in our lives. These are the times that we must trust our natural instincts. Usually, if something doesn't feel right, it usually isn't. There may be some instances when fear will take over and stop you from doing something in particular when it's exactly what you were supposed to do. That fear produces a completely different feeling. We have to learn to be so in tune with ourselves that we can tell the difference between the two automatically.

We have to trust ourselves enough to make the right situational choices in our lives. I'm not saying that we shouldn't or will never fail at anything because failure is ultimately a major component of success. If you've never failed at anything, then you've never experienced true success.

Never be afraid to fail. That's another part of that trust. You have to trust that if and when you do fail that you will learn and grow from it, not allowing it to deter you from trying again because I can promise you that on one of your attempts, you will succeed.

If you're a singer, you have to trust that you will carry your notes well. If you're a writer, you have to trust that your reader(s) will read and be able to relate to your stories. If you're facing peer pressure, you have to trust that you won't give in to it If it's something you know you shouldn't be doing.

There are so many situations that can lead you to somewhere, someone and /or something great. But, there are also situations that can be harmful and/or fatal to you. Always trust that God will lead you to the right situation and that your gut feeling is usually the one to listen to. Take care, be blessed and be a blessing.

-Don Savant Registered & Protected

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Glass Room

Feeling trapped and helpless in this glass room called life is scary! All you can do is sit back and witness all of the hate, lies, heartache, deceit, impostors, pain, lack of emotion, and loneliness. So much is going through your head, that you fight to forget. You just want to close your eyes and hope that it is all over, but instead you open them and realize that everything is still there. You think maybe you should go run tell someone or seek help, second guessing yourself to the point of frustration to realize no one is there. Instead of this glass room shattering due to all of the problems and issues that has been encountered, the room starts getting bigger. Now you have even more room to fill this endless emotion that you are experiencing. You repeat to yourself over and over "if you can't beat them, join them." Now their actions has turned into your lifestyle. Surrounded by people with like interest in the same glass room, you become weary. You begin to breakdown and realize that you hate yourself for the time you have wasted in this room. Fighting to get rid of the people that has brought you down, you finally clear the room. Although the people are removed from your life, that same feeling is all that you know. All of a sudden you look to your right to discover a door. You proceed to open it but is sceptical of what is behind it. It opens! On the other side lies your freedom and peace.

Sometimes you have to open your eyes, mind, and spirit to what lies beneath all of the heartache. You are not alone. If your parents are not great supporters of your feelings, find someone who is. Do not take life as is because we have too much to look forward to that is awesome!!

-Regina Stevens Registered & Protected

Friday, July 1, 2011

When The Son Shines

and depressed...
a pebble in the ocean
lost in the abyss of the world

self esteem
blowing in the wind and
slipping in and out...
nowhere to be found

dreams so foul that
nightmares shy away and
goals so low that
a single positive whisper
could not find a way in...
sealed...without a shred of hope

vehemently laughed
spitting lies in my face
when it was
to lift me

my rope was ready
preferred poison picked
to declare that
enough is enough

until I felt the presence of
something else
something that
seemed different that
seemed to be pushing me...
placing me on
a path that I hadn't traveled before
alternate route
giving me
a clear path
through my
clouded judgment
new way
out of what seemed like
no way at all

that day
the Son shined on me and
it was
at the exact moment
when I used
my last ounce of strength
last shred of faith
to call on Him
and He
released me
from the bondage of my own mind
so that
I could live the life that
His Father
intended for me

By: Don Savant Registered & Protected

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Keep your eyes on the prize

Keep your eyes on the prize, simple enough . Dont let anything get in your way
when your trying to reach your goal. Dont let any distractions get you away from
your prize or goal. Stay in the correct focus mindset to make sure you get your
See something you want? Go ahead and claim it! Say its mine repetitively and
soon enough youll want it soo bad youll work your best to get it.
Thats when your focus on claiming or reaching your goal, Or prize. And soon
enough its all yours to enjoy, and remember you should always have a goal in
your life.
By: Nicholas Hughes (14) Registered & Protected

Monday, June 27, 2011

Put it On Repeat!!!

Life is a series of repetitive thoughts, words and actions. Everything we learn is through some sort of repetition. Even as kids when learning to tie our shoes or when we're taught how to count or speak, even when learning the alphabet we repeat it until we know it by heart without having to think about it. We always drill things into our heads until it's common knowledge to us.

This is something we do that we never really think about and it seems that as adults we forget exactly how powerful our thoughts really are or how effective they can be. What I mean is, we often sell ourselves short of our dreams and goals. We talk ourselves out of things constantly when we should be talking or convincing ourselves that we can do them no matter what.

If you tell yourself over and over again that you can't do something, you'll start to believe it. If you don't think you're good enough to do something, be something or be with'll say and think it so much until it becomes your truth. Whether it's negative or positive, repetition plays a major role in what we accomplish in our lives.

Let's start telling ourselves what we can and will do. Focus on the things that you do want, the things that you can and will do and you'll find those things happening for you. Think about all the things we talk ourselves out of and imagine all the things that we could be talking ourselves into instead. Your dreams are yours...and no one can achieve or crush them except for you. We as individuals hold the power to speak and think anything into existence that we want. We just have to have faith and believe that we can.

Put your positive thoughts on repeat!!!

By: Don Savant Registered & Protected

Friday, June 24, 2011

Think Past Your Struggles


Today was a struggle for me. It seemed that everything that could go wrong did so. After the first encounter that didn't go as I'd hoped, it snowballed into one encounter after the next. However, through each moment I smiled, and carried myself as I normally would. I made a conscious decision to not let those things bother me, especially the moments that were out of my control. Had I not done that, there's no telling the state of mind I would have allowed myself in, or what I'd have ended up doing. I'm pretty sure that it would have been very unnecessary.

We all encounter these moments in our lives, whether it's daily, weekly, monthly or otherwise. It's up to us to have a strong enough mindset to think our way past those moments. Shift your focus to something that makes you happy rather than dwelling on that particular situation. I promise you it will make all the difference in the world. If it didn't, I'd be sharing a completely different story. Keep yourselves in the midst of the spirit of elevation.

-Don Savant Registered & Protected

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Think and Dream BIG!

Thoughts become things, positive thoughts become positive things and negative
thoughts become negative things."if your going to be thinking anyway, you may as
well think big" - Donald Trump. successful  people seems to have this down pact
while people who struggle don't. Their negative thoughts  become or attract
failure while positive thoughts attract success or other great things. You
create your own reality it's up to you whether your a success or not. It's all
about the way you think. What you think is what you become.

Written by: (My son) Nicholas Hughes Registered & Protected

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Who motivates you? What motivates you? When was the last time you saw or heard something that moved you so much that it made you want to get up, get out and do something?

Motivation is key to our existence in this life. If we're not motivated or moved by something, we will forever remain in the exact place in our lives. We will always be at a standstill, frustrated that nothing is moving in our lives.

We have to place ourselves in a position where our growth is inevitable. We all want to look forward to something in life. How big or small that something is depends on the strength of our minds. If we think small, we will always have small results. If we think and believe big, there is absolutely no ceiling to where we can go or what we can achieve.

We have the power within us to build things, and it all begins with a thought or a word. It then progresses to actions. Once we get something started and see the results or the fruits of our labor, it becomes difficult to look back because by that time, it's all about forward progression.

It's also important to surround yourselves with like-minded individuals. Your thought process is a fragile thing and letting anyone into that wave of information could prove to be a great success or a great failure depending on the information that you're being fed. If the people around you are always skeptical about your plans or are constantly telling you what they feel you cannot accomplish, eventually that will soak in and you will start to believe it as well. Those are the people that have no place in our lives.

Read encouraging books, articles, posts, etc. Think encouraging thoughts. Speak encouraging things over yourself and others. Always tell yourself not only that you CAN do it but that you WILL do it. As a matter of fact, you can go as far as to say that it's ALREADY DONE. Speak it!!! Breathe life into it!!! Care for it and nurture it!!! God places dreams and visions in us because in His will is purpose!!! Let Him move those mountains!!! Celebrate your accomplishments as you accomplish them. If you haven't reached your ultimate goal yet, it's alright...celebrate every step of the way!!! Love what you do and make it evident that you have a level of love in you that can't be matched by anything. It's all about
M.O.T.I.V.A.T.I.O.N (Moving Onward Towards Infinite Value Assessment Taking Initiative Over Negativity)

-Don Savant, Poet Extraordinaire Registered & Protected

Monday, June 20, 2011


Teenage Confession is growing as we know it..Thanks to everyone that takes their time out to read my messages. Nothing rehearsed or thought out..just the passion of understanding of what teenagers are going through. As you all know I have started an education program called I.M.A.G.E. (Intelligent Minded Adolescence Gain Education). This program is not only to educate teenagers but to help them find out who they are in the process. My 100% confidential email address is, which can be used as an outlet to let things off of your chest. We all are here to help each other and to do that you have to speak out! There is so much more in store for this program. If you do not have a teen program in your area please reach out to me..if you do I encourage you to get support where ever needed.

I want to give a special thanks to my family. God as my father for creating me! John Keenan, my brother for helping me reach out to everyone and following his dreams. My mother Dianne Keenan for raising me to be who I am. My twin sister Katina Keenan for allowing me to share my thoughts and ideas with you. My boys, Nicholas, Nathan, and Noah Hughes, you are my rock and without you boys I would not have the motivation to do what I am doing. My husband David Stevens for continuing to support me in whatever I do. My step children Tyler and Felicitie Stevens for allowing me to be part of your lives. My co-workers at DHEC of Spartanburg SC, Ashley, Crystol, Ebony, Kenya for believing in me. My biggest fan Summer Rainer and her mother Zorra, thanks for continuing to read my messages and applying them or sharing them with your family. My local church, Breakthrough Outreach Center, Shelly,Scott, Pastor Mike and Michelle for helping me with my vision. The church youth group for allowing me to sit in on their adolescence. The support of the SC pregnancy prevention campaign for allowing me to be a part of your group. And last but not least 9ine (co-producer Brian White) for allowing me to submit my article on your website. This list just scratch the surface of all of the people who have been there for me. I am truly bless and I will continue to do what God has designed me to do to help others. Please help me continue to reach out to others. There are too many resouces that allows us to do so. (Twitter, facebook, youtube, etc) Saving someone is just a click away!!

My contact information:

Facebook: Regina Godsbabygirl Stevens
Fan Page: I.M.A.G.E Intelligent Minded Adolescece Gains Education
Blog: This one!
Cell number: Private unless you email me Registered & Protected

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Refusing Silence

i pick up my pen
to write the words that
all mankind needs to hear me say but
why is my voice not heard
have i been
permanently placed on mute
has my
signal been permanently blocked
how can i
reach those who thirst
yet are being held in famine
being pulled into
false realities
when the truth
is only one page away
to the voice inside your heart
pay attention
to all of your surroundings
what you know to be true from knowledge of self
and let no one trick you
leading you to fall for what’s not real
hear my voice…
as i bring forth wisdom
for i am not afraid to go against the grain
i trust in my own perception of the world
i wonder
where we have all gone wrong
hear me…
believe me…
and release yourselves from the rut
that society has forced you in
speak you mind
live your life
and be
who you are
as opposed to
who they tell you to be

Taken from the 2009 PublishAmerica release "The Lyrics of My Soul"

Available at:

Barnes and Noble


Paperback: 110 pages
Publisher: PublishAmerica (October 19, 2009)
Language: English Registered & Protected

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Key to Success!

Opportunities come when you allow them to. You have to have an open heart and mind in order to allow it to be filled with moments that are unforgettable. I would say I wasted so much time on meaningless things and situations but in reality everything I have been through has just been preparation. Everyone have their own desires and interest, which should not be taken lightly no matter what anyone say. The good thing is that we all need enemy's (Haters) just to show them that we are who we say we are. If we did not have people disagreeing then we are obviously not doing something right. God has given us talent and gifts to bring people closer to him and to allow us to be rewarded in the process. Keep pushing yourself to your maximum limits; we only get one chance to make a difference, why not start now! It will not be easy, but it is worth the time and effort spent. The minute I open my mind to what I enjoy doing, things has started to take place in my life that I would not have imagined. The good thing is that God is not done with me yet!! I am proud of who I am and what I have become because the Lord knows I have been through a lot just to get to where I am today!! Join me in my victory in success!!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

-Regina Stevens Registered & Protected

Monday, June 6, 2011

Learning To Let Go

Letting go is one of the most important aspects of growth. In life, there will be people, things and situations that will deter you from your path. There will be stumbling blocks on your journey. No matter what someone says to you, about you or does to you, that cannot be used to define you. You are who God says you are and who you believe you are. Feelings and emotions may run strong in you, but you must focus on the positive aspects and the lessons within everything that occurs in your life. Continue to push forward no matter how hard it seems. It's never about what you're called, it's about what you answer to. It's not about what the world and the people around you, or your circumstances say you can or can't do. It's about what you know and believe you can do. It's about how far you can follow God as He leads you on your journey. It's about your own willingness to succeed beyond the shadow of a doubt. Keep your head up, your thoughts positive and stay focused, one goal at a time.

-Don Savant Registered & Protected

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Don't Hold Yourself Back

When it comes to living your dreams, it's not the people around us that hold us back. It's self. People can say and do things to discourage or "block" you from your blessings but ultimately it's you that has to make the decision of whether or not you will allow that person or situation to dictate what you can or cannot accomplish. You are powerful enough to speak into existence a great life for yourself. God already has those things in place for you and all you have to do is believe that it can happen. Have enough faith in God to believe that not only do you deserve better but that you will be, do and have better situations in your life.

It all starts with faith, love and gratitude.

-Don Savant Registered & Protected

Friday, May 27, 2011


My hat goes off to those who made it another school year. For many 5/27/11 is the last day of school, if not then your time is coming. As you all venture to your next grade level, take your mind to the next level too. Do not become stationary of who you are because their is so much more you can become. This summer think of all of the extra activities you can do to help others. Do not sit in front of the television or game systems all day. Enjoy nature and make what was created for you out of the best experience. Time is tough for parents, so if you not get to go anywhere out of town this summer, come up with creative ways to pass time. Do not forget that an idle mind is the evil ones workshop. This is how teenagers get into trouble! You spend time with that boyfriend or girlfriend of yours and ideas start to form. You find yourself with that buddy that drinks and smokes and guess what you will find yourself doing? Make the best of your time because you will never get that moment back. I have been there, so take it from me; a moment of happiness and pleasure can be a lifetime of heartache and pain. If mistakes has already been made..move on and do not repeat them! Your future success is in your hands! HAVE FUN!! :)

Congrats Class of 2011!!!!!

Regina Stevens Registered & Protected

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lets get it together!!

When is it time to say enough is enough!! Lets get it together to make sure that our time here is spent wisely and purpose filled. I know everyone is going to have thier own opinions but it saddens me to hear all of the comments made due to a prediction of the last days. This is no joke, or laughing matter! Again if you do not already know the bible say in Matthew 24:36  36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. The bible is the foundation and built off of nothing but the truth and the only truth. Many may have been scared, children are left with unanwered questions but in that hour what where your thoughts. If the time has come, do you feel like you are truly ready? If not then what are you waiting for? It is going to happen but the only way that you will even come close to recongizing the truth is if you read it. Know your word and live by it, so when someone does come forth with nosense, you are quick to correct. Its time to change and educate yourself. This does not mean your life is going to be limited, God himself wants us to reap the rewards that he himself intended on us to have. Be blessed and find yourself in him. Everything we do, we do in the name of Jesus!! Repent and Pray!

I love you!

-Regina Stevens Registered & Protected