My name if Dianne Keenan. I am the mother of three children. I have twin girl, their name is: Regina and Katina. Regina became pregnant at the age of 15. I was devastated, but I told her that she was still going to go to finish school. I was a single parent at the time, working swing shifts. Trying to keep food on the table and keep a place to stay. Regina had to go on home bound because it was almost time for her to have the baby. She had a teacher to come to the house, so she would not get behind in her grades. When it was time for her to have the baby, I felt like I went in labor too. I felt like my water broke, going back and forth to the bathroom. By Regina being young as she was, having a baby she was just like an older women. She did not scream or anything during labor. If anything she started laughing. I thought that was crazy even though I was about to cry. She is a great mother and I never had to buy pampers or clothes for the baby unless I wanted to. I heard the baby cry one night and I went to see what was wrong; she told me to go back to bed. She said this because little nick was her responsibility, so I went back to bed. When she went to the twelfth grade she and her twin sister were pregnant at the same time. This was Regina’s second pregnancy. Oh my God it was rough. Again I was devastated. Working swing shift, twelve hours, four days on, and three days off was hard. Having to take them to the doctor at different times was insane. It was not easy when I started working third shift either. Regina had her baby first, so she had to go on homebound again! She then went back to school so she could graduate. Katina was still pregnant at the time of graduation. Even though I had other plans for my girls, they both are great mothers. I asked if they had to do it over again would they have children. They both told me yes! Regina has three boys and Katina has two boys and a girl. They all are a blessing. I love all of them. They both are working and going to college. They both own their own home. So even though they were young when they had their children they have it all figured out. God has gotten us all through some rough times.
By: Dianne Keenan
Hi! Regina here; although my sister and I agreed that we would still have our children if we did it all over again, does not mean it is okay to have children at a young age. I want to clarify the statement because many people would misinterpret it. Knowing that my boys made me who I am, I could never say that I would not have them because they are here, and it is too late to turn back. I would find it hard to shallow when I tell my kids I wish I would have waited. On the other hand I know if I did wait, I would have so much more to offer them. It is not easy being a teenager mother because everything changes. I would have prepared my life to be more stable, but I had to do what I had to do to make sure that they were taken care of. My priorities shifted and any selfish thought of myself was thrown out the window. Many mothers choose to continue to think only of themselves and have not figured out that they have a little one to take care of. No teen should have children, but I know my children were not mistakes. Now I am here to warn everyone else of their selfish acts and think of everyone that could be affected by your choices. My mother had to suffer because of my actions, and this was not fair for her. Think about your actions, only you have the control to make smarter and wiser decisions.
By: Regina Stevens

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