In the Mist of pain, it is absolutely important not to forget your creator. Many people do not realize that God has our life mapped out from the day we were born, rather you believe it or not. We go through things for a reason, we just have to figure out the reason why ourselves. If God himself cast down blessing after blessing, and we never see any struggle, or pain, then we would not grow to appreciate anything. Currently I am going through a struggle myself, but I wake up every morning rejoicing and glad that I am here another day. So many people wake up not knowing that it is there last. The worst feeling in the world is losing someone without saying goodbye. Every chance you get a simple smile can change the lives of millions. Think about it, if you impact one person, that person will impact someone else and so forth. Seriously, it is time to wake up and appreciate the things you have and the people that are in your life. Tomorrow is not promised, so live today like there is no tomorrow, because one day it will hold true. The one mistake you can make, is hindering yourself from your blessings because of what someone else did. This is why we losing so many people in our churches because sister or brother so and so did this and that. SOO WHAT!! Did you do it with them? Trust can be a huge issue in peoples lives because their looking for acceptance, and once they are let down, them shame on the world right? NOO! It do not work like that! Stay true to yourself and know that people on going to do whatever! You are not held accountable for their actions, only your own. Seek God yourself, it is ultimately up to you and him. Yes it is heart breaking seeing pastors let you down, but the word of God is still spoken, so take it in and be glad your living correct. In due time those who deceives the Lord will reap what they sow. It may not happen when you want it to, but it will happen in due time. I love you enough to send this message of warning. If you do not get your act together you will fall short of the glory! In the mist of pain, CELEBRATE knowing there is a God that will see you through!
~Regina Stevens
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