Sunday, March 27, 2011

Growth Is Inevitable

In every aspect of our lives, growth is necessary. From birth forward, it is a part of our process of living. Just as a seed will grow into a flower or a tree..even fruits and vegetation for us to consume, we must experience growth. This applies mentally, spiritually, and physically. We can also experience emotional growth as well, with it being tied in with the other three aspects in different scenarios and situations. The physical aspect is the most inevitable part of the process. We experience physical changes to our bodies our entire lives. The mental and spiritual part of the process is completely up to us. If you have dreams, visions and goals in your lives, none of them can ever come to fruition if not for some type of growth. When we learn, it strengthens us. It builds something within us that keeps us thirsting and starving for more. When education is introduced, whether by self, or someone else, it stirs up something in most individuals. There are some, however, who feel as if they already possess all the necessary knowledge required to make it through life. I can't even begin to make a judgment on that, so I'm speaking from an individual standpoint. If I'm not constantly learning...I feel that I'm stunting my growth. With my dreams, my visions, and my goals I must continue to learn. I must continue to build myself and strengthen my knowledge factor in order to achieve those things that I plan to accomplish. From a spiritual standpoint, I must continue to learn about God and grow from what I've learned, essentially so that I will possess the things I need for myself, as well as for others who seek Him as well. This is also necessary because what we take in, we are not meant to hold and keep for ourselves. To share is to bless others. Being a blessing to others brings about more blessings for you to be shared. It's a cycle that needs to come full circle in order for all of us to thrive. Without growth...we can't truly live. Let's grow together.

-Don Savant

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


As teenagers we often get into the habit of doing things on our own. For whatever reason we do not want to bother our mothers or fathers about our problems that we may be having at the moment. The scary thing is that once the problem esculates, we become ashamed to tell anyone. I am here to tell you that it is okay to ask your parents questions. Start off by telling them how you feel about approaching them. Let them know that you maybe afraid they may get upset, but it is something that you have to know. Teenagers are exposed to so much at a young age, so as parents we have to know what is going through there mind. These question can be about sex, drugs, peer pressure, dress codes, skipping school, or whatever. The last thing you want to do is figure these things our on your own. Otherwise it could be too late to turn back what you may have already experienced for yourself. As "uncool" as your parents may seem, they are not perfect and I can almost grantee that they have been through similar issues when they were young. NO they did not have to worry about sexting, or skyping unapporpriately, but teen issues all narrow down to the same consiquences. Be aware of your surroundings and do not let your friends become your biggest influence. If you love yourself then you will take the time to figure out your self-worth.

-Regina Stevens Registered & Protected

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lets Pray!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


There was a tragic event that occurred in my city today involving something that has been a source of recreation in one of our area parks for generations. I've been thinking about the many occasions when my sisters, cousins, friends, even parents, aunts and uncles went to this park and rode the train that was involved. Now something that used to bring us all joy has brought us sorrow. There were dozens injured and a six year old lost his life. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the parties involved. I'm not ashamed to say that my eyes have been misty ever since I learned of this tragedy. My spirit has been solemn, and my heart has been beating at half staff. I can only imagine the sounds of anguish, of pain and heartache that were expressed at the scene of this event today.

This has caused me to take a moment to reflect. Even though, I make it a daily practice not to take things in my life for granted, I do slip up at times. I am a human being and we do tend to have errors and lapses in judgment from time to time. What's been on my mind though is how I want to do and be so much more but can't seem to move from where I am. This tragedy has made me realize that at any given moment things can change drastically, whether it's for the best or for the worst. This train derailment was most definitely a worst case scenario for the people involved, yet still, there are some even in the midst of this, that are in a better position than others. I'm grateful for this realization. I don't know exactly what's in God's plan for me, but I do know that He has one. I also know that it may involve my passion for writing, as well as raising awareness on some of the issues that I've faced in my life.

It has also made me realize how important it is for us to love one another, to stand together despite our differences. We should encourage one another instead of discouraging one another. Age,sex,religion,race, or any other petty obstacle should not draw boundaries around us as human beings. We share life here, and it should be shared peacefully with all the love in our hearts that we can give. Let's life our brothers and sisters up in prayer. Let's let God lead us instead of us leaving Him. It's all in His hands, and I hope that all I do from this point on causes Him to look down upon me and say "well done". I love you all.

-Don Savant

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Teenagers often feel trap as if they have no one else to turn to for advice or just simply a conversation. This causes them to rely on their close friends, boyfriends, or girl friends for comfort instead of their own parents. We often wonder why our children seek outlets such as becoming premiscious, introduction themselves to drinking, smoking, or other drugs. Teenagers act out simply because they feel they can get away with it or they are replacing something that is missing in thier life. The primary educator of the household should be the parents. We are living in a society where homes are broken, parents are divorced, parents hate each other, fathers are missing, mothers has to provide, so you barely see them because they work too much. No wonder our children do not have a clue! Do your child really know that divorce should not be an option, do they know that pre-marial sex is forbidden in the bible, do they know that the father is suppose to be the head of the household. Society has shifted so much, there is a great concern on how our childrens future is going to be.

I want to remind you today teens that you are not alone in this world. There are resources all around you! I am not perfect, but I am living proof of a teen that was crying out for help. I was not comfortable to talk to anyone around me about the fact that my father was not there in my life or the fact that I felt so ashamed of my looks. My outlet was to hold on to the one guy that I thought who cared. My mother is all I had, so obvious it was not enough for me to stop doing what I was doing. It is going to take CONVERSATION and strong BONDS with your children. Listen you your childrens actions, they speak louder than words.!!

-RS Registered & Protected

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hundreds dead after quake, tsunami slam Japan.......

With a headline like this people every where need to wake up. Human life is not promised but where we go after life depends on how we live our life now! Rather you are teenager or an adult it is time to stop taking things for granted. The fact that you may be having a bad day, week, month or whatever is not worth it when you know someone that did not have the chance to live life to their full expectation. I can grantee that everyone that has lost their life today did not have a oppurtunity to accomplish their lifes purpose. Please start today by reading your bible, pray that God make today better than yesterday. Tell people that you love them because he or she is a child of God. I would not be writing this message if I did not love each and every one of you. MARK TODAY 3/11/11 as the day you gave your life to Christ.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


As a young mother, you will always be labeled as such, the key is that you do not have to act like it. You are who you want to be. The question was asked earlier, what makes a women a women and what makes a man a man? This question can be defined in so many ways, but to sum it all up it is when you are able to hold your own and not depend on someone else to take the fall for you. A man has his role and a women has hers. The bible states that I Corinthians 13:11 - When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

What is your label? How do people see you?, then ask yourself is that who you want to be? Teenagers deal with more peer pressure of how society set them up to be. Do not be grown if you do not have to at that age..I had a choice to make but I had to make the best one because I became mom at an early age. Let go and let God take you on a journey and everything will fall into place.


-Regina Stevens

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Read and teach

2 Timothy 3:14-17 (New International Version, ©2011)

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Registered & Protected

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Exclusive article on the website of 9ine Check it out!!!

This article explains more of my thoughts and feelings about being a teenage mother...Support them by clicking the link above so we can help someone cope through this time of need!!! Registered & Protected