When is it time to say enough is enough!! Lets get it together to make sure that our time here is spent wisely and purpose filled. I know everyone is going to have thier own opinions but it saddens me to hear all of the comments made due to a prediction of the last days. This is no joke, or laughing matter! Again if you do not already know the bible say in Matthew 24:36 36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. The bible is the foundation and built off of nothing but the truth and the only truth. Many may have been scared, children are left with unanwered questions but in that hour what where your thoughts. If the time has come, do you feel like you are truly ready? If not then what are you waiting for? It is going to happen but the only way that you will even come close to recongizing the truth is if you read it. Know your word and live by it, so when someone does come forth with nosense, you are quick to correct. Its time to change and educate yourself. This does not mean your life is going to be limited, God himself wants us to reap the rewards that he himself intended on us to have. Be blessed and find yourself in him. Everything we do, we do in the name of Jesus!! Repent and Pray!
I love you!
-Regina Stevens

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