Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Keep your eyes on the prize

Keep your eyes on the prize, simple enough . Dont let anything get in your way
when your trying to reach your goal. Dont let any distractions get you away from
your prize or goal. Stay in the correct focus mindset to make sure you get your
See something you want? Go ahead and claim it! Say its mine repetitively and
soon enough youll want it soo bad youll work your best to get it.
Thats when your focus on claiming or reaching your goal, Or prize. And soon
enough its all yours to enjoy, and remember you should always have a goal in
your life.
By: Nicholas Hughes (14)

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Put it On Repeat!!!

Life is a series of repetitive thoughts, words and actions. Everything we learn is through some sort of repetition. Even as kids when learning to tie our shoes or when we're taught how to count or speak, even when learning the alphabet we repeat it until we know it by heart without having to think about it. We always drill things into our heads until it's common knowledge to us.

This is something we do that we never really think about and it seems that as adults we forget exactly how powerful our thoughts really are or how effective they can be. What I mean is, we often sell ourselves short of our dreams and goals. We talk ourselves out of things constantly when we should be talking or convincing ourselves that we can do them no matter what.

If you tell yourself over and over again that you can't do something, you'll start to believe it. If you don't think you're good enough to do something, be something or be with someone...you'll say and think it so much until it becomes your truth. Whether it's negative or positive, repetition plays a major role in what we accomplish in our lives.

Let's start telling ourselves what we can and will do. Focus on the things that you do want, the things that you can and will do and you'll find those things happening for you. Think about all the things we talk ourselves out of and imagine all the things that we could be talking ourselves into instead. Your dreams are yours...and no one can achieve or crush them except for you. We as individuals hold the power to speak and think anything into existence that we want. We just have to have faith and believe that we can.

Put your positive thoughts on repeat!!!

By: Don Savant
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Friday, June 24, 2011

Think Past Your Struggles


Today was a struggle for me. It seemed that everything that could go wrong did so. After the first encounter that didn't go as I'd hoped, it snowballed into one encounter after the next. However, through each moment I smiled, and carried myself as I normally would. I made a conscious decision to not let those things bother me, especially the moments that were out of my control. Had I not done that, there's no telling the state of mind I would have allowed myself in, or what I'd have ended up doing. I'm pretty sure that it would have been very unnecessary.

We all encounter these moments in our lives, whether it's daily, weekly, monthly or otherwise. It's up to us to have a strong enough mindset to think our way past those moments. Shift your focus to something that makes you happy rather than dwelling on that particular situation. I promise you it will make all the difference in the world. If it didn't, I'd be sharing a completely different story. Keep yourselves in the midst of the spirit of elevation.

-Don Savant

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Think and Dream BIG!

Thoughts become things, positive thoughts become positive things and negative
thoughts become negative things."if your going to be thinking anyway, you may as
well think big" - Donald Trump. successful  people seems to have this down pact
while people who struggle don't. Their negative thoughts  become or attract
failure while positive thoughts attract success or other great things. You
create your own reality it's up to you whether your a success or not. It's all
about the way you think. What you think is what you become.

Written by: (My son) Nicholas Hughes

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Who motivates you? What motivates you? When was the last time you saw or heard something that moved you so much that it made you want to get up, get out and do something?

Motivation is key to our existence in this life. If we're not motivated or moved by something, we will forever remain in the exact place in our lives. We will always be at a standstill, frustrated that nothing is moving in our lives.

We have to place ourselves in a position where our growth is inevitable. We all want to look forward to something in life. How big or small that something is depends on the strength of our minds. If we think small, we will always have small results. If we think and believe big, there is absolutely no ceiling to where we can go or what we can achieve.

We have the power within us to build things, and it all begins with a thought or a word. It then progresses to actions. Once we get something started and see the results or the fruits of our labor, it becomes difficult to look back because by that time, it's all about forward progression.

It's also important to surround yourselves with like-minded individuals. Your thought process is a fragile thing and letting anyone into that wave of information could prove to be a great success or a great failure depending on the information that you're being fed. If the people around you are always skeptical about your plans or are constantly telling you what they feel you cannot accomplish, eventually that will soak in and you will start to believe it as well. Those are the people that have no place in our lives.

Read encouraging books, articles, posts, etc. Think encouraging thoughts. Speak encouraging things over yourself and others. Always tell yourself not only that you CAN do it but that you WILL do it. As a matter of fact, you can go as far as to say that it's ALREADY DONE. Speak it!!! Breathe life into it!!! Care for it and nurture it!!! God places dreams and visions in us because in His will is purpose!!! Let Him move those mountains!!! Celebrate your accomplishments as you accomplish them. If you haven't reached your ultimate goal yet, it's alright...celebrate every step of the way!!! Love what you do and make it evident that you have a level of love in you that can't be matched by anything. It's all about
M.O.T.I.V.A.T.I.O.N (Moving Onward Towards Infinite Value Assessment Taking Initiative Over Negativity)

-Don Savant, Poet Extraordinaire

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Monday, June 20, 2011


Teenage Confession is growing as we know it..Thanks to everyone that takes their time out to read my messages. Nothing rehearsed or thought out..just the passion of understanding of what teenagers are going through. As you all know I have started an education program called I.M.A.G.E. (Intelligent Minded Adolescence Gain Education). This program is not only to educate teenagers but to help them find out who they are in the process. My 100% confidential email address is teen.image.inc@gmail.com, which can be used as an outlet to let things off of your chest. We all are here to help each other and to do that you have to speak out! There is so much more in store for this program. If you do not have a teen program in your area please reach out to me..if you do I encourage you to get support where ever needed.

I want to give a special thanks to my family. God as my father for creating me! John Keenan, my brother for helping me reach out to everyone and following his dreams. My mother Dianne Keenan for raising me to be who I am. My twin sister Katina Keenan for allowing me to share my thoughts and ideas with you. My boys, Nicholas, Nathan, and Noah Hughes, you are my rock and without you boys I would not have the motivation to do what I am doing. My husband David Stevens for continuing to support me in whatever I do. My step children Tyler and Felicitie Stevens for allowing me to be part of your lives. My co-workers at DHEC of Spartanburg SC, Ashley, Crystol, Ebony, Kenya for believing in me. My biggest fan Summer Rainer and her mother Zorra, thanks for continuing to read my messages and applying them or sharing them with your family. My local church, Breakthrough Outreach Center, Shelly,Scott, Pastor Mike and Michelle for helping me with my vision. The church youth group for allowing me to sit in on their adolescence. The support of the SC pregnancy prevention campaign for allowing me to be a part of your group. And last but not least 9ine (co-producer Brian White) for allowing me to submit my article on your website. This list just scratch the surface of all of the people who have been there for me. I am truly bless and I will continue to do what God has designed me to do to help others. Please help me continue to reach out to others. There are too many resouces that allows us to do so. (Twitter, facebook, youtube, etc) Saving someone is just a click away!!

My contact information:

Facebook: Regina Godsbabygirl Stevens
Fan Page: I.M.A.G.E Intelligent Minded Adolescece Gains Education
Email: Teen.image.inc@gmail.com
Blog: This one!
Cell number: Private unless you email me

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Refusing Silence

i pick up my pen
to write the words that
all mankind needs to hear me say but
why is my voice not heard
have i been
permanently placed on mute
has my
signal been permanently blocked
how can i
reach those who thirst
yet are being held in famine
being pulled into
false realities
when the truth
is only one page away
to the voice inside your heart
pay attention
to all of your surroundings
what you know to be true from knowledge of self
and let no one trick you
leading you to fall for what’s not real
hear my voice…
as i bring forth wisdom
for i am not afraid to go against the grain
i trust in my own perception of the world
i wonder
where we have all gone wrong
hear me…
believe me…
and release yourselves from the rut
that society has forced you in
speak you mind
live your life
and be
who you are
as opposed to
who they tell you to be

Taken from the 2009 PublishAmerica release "The Lyrics of My Soul"

Available at:

Barnes and Noble


Paperback: 110 pages
Publisher: PublishAmerica (October 19, 2009)
Language: English

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Monday, June 13, 2011

The Key to Success!

Opportunities come when you allow them to. You have to have an open heart and mind in order to allow it to be filled with moments that are unforgettable. I would say I wasted so much time on meaningless things and situations but in reality everything I have been through has just been preparation. Everyone have their own desires and interest, which should not be taken lightly no matter what anyone say. The good thing is that we all need enemy's (Haters) just to show them that we are who we say we are. If we did not have people disagreeing then we are obviously not doing something right. God has given us talent and gifts to bring people closer to him and to allow us to be rewarded in the process. Keep pushing yourself to your maximum limits; we only get one chance to make a difference, why not start now! It will not be easy, but it is worth the time and effort spent. The minute I open my mind to what I enjoy doing, things has started to take place in my life that I would not have imagined. The good thing is that God is not done with me yet!! I am proud of who I am and what I have become because the Lord knows I have been through a lot just to get to where I am today!! Join me in my victory in success!!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

-Regina Stevens

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Monday, June 6, 2011

Learning To Let Go

Letting go is one of the most important aspects of growth. In life, there will be people, things and situations that will deter you from your path. There will be stumbling blocks on your journey. No matter what someone says to you, about you or does to you, that cannot be used to define you. You are who God says you are and who you believe you are. Feelings and emotions may run strong in you, but you must focus on the positive aspects and the lessons within everything that occurs in your life. Continue to push forward no matter how hard it seems. It's never about what you're called, it's about what you answer to. It's not about what the world and the people around you, or your circumstances say you can or can't do. It's about what you know and believe you can do. It's about how far you can follow God as He leads you on your journey. It's about your own willingness to succeed beyond the shadow of a doubt. Keep your head up, your thoughts positive and stay focused, one goal at a time.

-Don Savant

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