Letting go is one of the most important aspects of growth. In life, there will be people, things and situations that will deter you from your path. There will be stumbling blocks on your journey. No matter what someone says to you, about you or does to you, that cannot be used to define you. You are who God says you are and who you believe you are. Feelings and emotions may run strong in you, but you must focus on the positive aspects and the lessons within everything that occurs in your life. Continue to push forward no matter how hard it seems. It's never about what you're called, it's about what you answer to. It's not about what the world and the people around you, or your circumstances say you can or can't do. It's about what you know and believe you can do. It's about how far you can follow God as He leads you on your journey. It's about your own willingness to succeed beyond the shadow of a doubt. Keep your head up, your thoughts positive and stay focused, one goal at a time.
-Don Savant
-Don Savant

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