Teenage Confession is growing as we know it..Thanks to everyone that takes their time out to read my messages. Nothing rehearsed or thought out..just the passion of understanding of what teenagers are going through. As you all know I have started an education program called I.M.A.G.E. (Intelligent Minded Adolescence Gain Education). This program is not only to educate teenagers but to help them find out who they are in the process. My 100% confidential email address is teen.image.inc@gmail.com, which can be used as an outlet to let things off of your chest. We all are here to help each other and to do that you have to speak out! There is so much more in store for this program. If you do not have a teen program in your area please reach out to me..if you do I encourage you to get support where ever needed.
I want to give a special thanks to my family. God as my father for creating me! John Keenan, my brother for helping me reach out to everyone and following his dreams. My mother Dianne Keenan for raising me to be who I am. My twin sister Katina Keenan for allowing me to share my thoughts and ideas with you. My boys, Nicholas, Nathan, and Noah Hughes, you are my rock and without you boys I would not have the motivation to do what I am doing. My husband David Stevens for continuing to support me in whatever I do. My step children Tyler and Felicitie Stevens for allowing me to be part of your lives. My co-workers at DHEC of Spartanburg SC, Ashley, Crystol, Ebony, Kenya for believing in me. My biggest fan Summer Rainer and her mother Zorra, thanks for continuing to read my messages and applying them or sharing them with your family. My local church, Breakthrough Outreach Center, Shelly,Scott, Pastor Mike and Michelle for helping me with my vision. The church youth group for allowing me to sit in on their adolescence. The support of the SC pregnancy prevention campaign for allowing me to be a part of your group. And last but not least 9ine (co-producer Brian White) for allowing me to submit my article on your website. This list just scratch the surface of all of the people who have been there for me. I am truly bless and I will continue to do what God has designed me to do to help others. Please help me continue to reach out to others. There are too many resouces that allows us to do so. (Twitter, facebook, youtube, etc) Saving someone is just a click away!!
My contact information:
Facebook: Regina Godsbabygirl Stevens
Fan Page: I.M.A.G.E Intelligent Minded Adolescece Gains Education
Email: Teen.image.inc@gmail.com
Blog: This one!
Cell number: Private unless you email me

I am truly proud to see you coming into your own and using your life experiences to help others that may not have the necessary resources and/or support that is required to help them through their situations. You are doing a great thing. You are indeed a blessing.
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